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Cooling efficiency for your air conditioner is measured by its SEER2 (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio). The ‘2’ is for the next generation of testing. SEER2 tells you how efficiently your unit uses electricity. The higher the SEER2 rating, the less electrical cost you will incur to cool your home. Units installed after 1992 were required to be at least 10 SEER; After 2006 at least 13 SEER; And now, effective January, 2023 the US Department of Energy has mandated all ACs installed in the northern US (including Ohio) will be required to be at least 14 SEER or 13.4 under the new SEER2.

The new SEER2 testing procedure involves increasing the static pressure by up to five times what it was previously to better reflect field conditions. All new or re-badged air conditioners need to be rated und the SEER2 testing. Eventually the SEER measurement will be dropped.

A new refrigerant for air conditioners is coming in 2025 to replace the current R-410A refrigerant. R-454B has a lower GWP (Global Warming Potential) than R-410A (467 to 2088) and is classified as an A2L refrigerant, not an HFC (hydrofluorocarbon) production in the U.S. of which is being phased out after the passing of the AIM Act in 2020.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced in December that it has agreed to a one year extension for our industry's transition to R-454B. The one year extension (to January 1, 2026 for the installation of R-410A based equipment) is a God send for our industry allowing for a smoother transition.

The new R-454B refrigerant requires not only technician certification, but a retooling of vacuum pumps and recovery machines and will require indoor leak sensors upon installation and very likely a second indoor board for mitigation. The new refrigerant is expected to come with a price increase of 20-30%. The extension allows distributors, manufacturers and dealers more time to study inventory levels and develop buying strategies. For more information, go www.acca.org.

Hetter Heating & Cooling installs both Trane & Tempstar products. Click on either logo below for that manufacturer's AC product offerings: