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Two Hetter techs achieve NBI certification - 03/01/2010

Hetter Heating & Cooling is proud to announce that two Hetter technicians AND our company president have successfully passed the Air Balancing and Diagnostic Certification exam and are now officially NBI certified. Company president John Hetterscheidt, NATE certified senior service technician James Jack and lead installer Walter Martin all are now officially certified to perform HVAC airflow diagnostics and air balancing for residential systems according to NBI standards and practices.

Proper airflow in your home is critical for both comfort and energy savings. Accurately diagnosing issues can be a challenge. Hetter Heating & Cooling was the only HVAC company in the Columbus market to attend NBI's recent certification seminar. Continuing training, achieving proper certification and our commitment to our customer's comfort are high priorities within our company.

NBI - National Balancing Institute is a division of the National Comfort Institute recognized industry wide as the resource for HVAC home comfort.