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New efficiency standards for heat pumps now in place - 01/13/2015

A new national efficiency standard for heat pumps is now in effect. As of January 1, 2015, all split system heat pumps installed in the US need to reach at least 14 SEER (cooling) and 8.2 HSPF (heating). The US Department of Energy is allowing manufacturers to exhaust existing 13 SEER heat pump inventory up until mid 2016. Most local HVAC distributors however will not be stocking 13 SEER units. Homeowners will incur a price increase if they choose to install a minimum efficient heat pump system. Interestingly this new efficiency is very close to the minimum efficiency required to qualify for AEPs cash rebate program - 14.5 SEER and 8.5 HSPF. If you have any questions on the Department of Energys new efficiency standards, please feel free to contact our sales office at (614) 784-9200.